Best Quotes of Ambedkar

Quote Compilation from Lawyer,Economist,Social Reformer Ambedkar, a Prominent Figure from India.

Lawyer Economist Social Reformer April 141891 December 061956
Ambedkar Picture Quote on goat lion slaughter
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Photo by David Clode

Lost rights are never regained by appeals to the conscience of the usurpers, but by relentless struggle. Goats are used for sacrificial offerings and not lions.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on surrender freedom rational
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Photo by Nathan McBride

You say I have a homeland. But, I want to reiterate, I don't have that… If we are treated worse than dogs and cats, If there is no right to drinking water, any self respecting untouchable considers this country as his country?

Ambedkar Picture Quote on caste right
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Photo by Unseen Histories

The help this country has given us, like a mountain of tribulations and injustices, is imposed on us. Trampled underfoot for ages, for the rights of my downtrodden people, because of my efforts, no harm will come to this country.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on caste freedom struggle
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Photo by Ryan Moreno

First let a slave know that he is a slave. Then, he will automatically wake up.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on discrimination injustice citizen caste
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Photo by Nappy

No one surrenders himself, Do not act according to the wishes of others. Put anything to the test, in the light of knowledge, analyzing and accepting, he is a free man.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on citizen right
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Photo by Unseen Histories

Indian nationality does not include the rights of the downtrodden. Therefore, the rights of the downtrodden cannot be sacrificed for nationalism.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on revolution obstacle capitalism
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Photo by Saw Wunna

The enemy of all others is imperialism. But the downtrodden people being surrounded by various enemies around them, not everyone can be resisted at once; so, for 2,000 years performed by high caste Hindus for cruelties and oppressions, I decided to fight back.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on life greatness length
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Photo by Dulcey Lima

Life should be great rather than long.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on enemy forgive
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Photo by GR Stocks

The bitterest foe of the low-caste Hindu is not the high-caste Hindu, but his own neighbour of the same caste. The oppression of the high-caste Hindu is unpleasant, but the oppression of his own kinsman is unbearable.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on slave oppression
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Photo by British Library

The Hindu must learn to be his own friend and not his own enemy. If he continues to be his own enemy, the cause of the Untouchables will not progress. If we wish to make progress, we must learn to forgive our enemies.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on religion women empowerment liberation
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Photo by Christina @

I do not want that our loyalty as Indians should be in the slightest way affected by any competitive loyalty whether that loyalty arises out of our religion, out of our culture or out of our language.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on buddha social reform
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Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett

I want all people to be Indians first, Indian last and nothing else but Indians.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on identity nationalism untouchability
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Photo by Lance Reis

Without equality, there can be no liberty, fraternity, or democracy. Without erasing the word 'masculinity,' there can be no freedom for women. Without annihilating the caste system, there can be no democracy.

Ambedkar Picture Quote on slave rebellion oppression
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Photo by Liv Hema

The first and greatest social reformer was Gautama Buddha. It is with him that the history of social reform begins.
